Group outing dinner Group outing making pasta! Congrats Kezuan and Tati for your new patent! Wishing you great success Vivi! Ke-Zuan presenting his work on Non-directed C−H Arylation of Electron-rich Arenes via Palladium/S,O-ligand Catalysis in NCCC Vivi Sukowski successfully defended her thesis at the Agnietenkapel in Amsterdam! Vegan dinner after our succesful escape room! Escape room succes! The SOC group outing in Rotterdam was a success! Congrats Simon on your master thesis! Vivi wins the ChemComm poster prize at the international symposium on C-H activation! Vivi meets Marta Catellani! Group outing 2022 We will miss you Bell! Goodbye present Bell Group outing 2022 Group outing 2021 Wen-Liang Thesis! Wen-Liang PhD defense SOC group sailing outing! PhD defense Wen-Liang Group outing claying!